Studio habits of mind reading assignment
Studio habits of mind reading assignment

My current thoughts are to use one Exam grade for what they present in the art show (we have one in the winter and one in the spring). This opens up a whole wide possibility of options for my assessments now that we have less of a time constraint. I have gotten the permission next year to put in both of my Exam grades at the end of each semester.Although I think it showed more authentic results, the expectations may have been too high and caused many students to get low scores for lack of organization. This year I wanted the Exams to be more reflective of student learning and the creative process so I had them share evidence and reflections of their learning at the end of each unit. Last year I use a studio habits of mind rubric to grade a final artwork each unit. We have it required to put in 4 Exam grades a year that are worth 50% of the student’s grade. Easily my biggest challenge this year was with assessments.Or have a set number of them due at the end of the month and put in just one grade for that. Perhaps I keep the expectations the same and get better at carving out time at the end of class for students to make their posts, while checking that it was done before they leave. I’m not sure what adjustments to make for next year on this front.During the second semester, admin took notice of many zeros in the gradebook, resulting in students coming to study lab to complete make-up work. Other times they wouldn’t have their ipad and would forget to post even if someone else took the photo for them. Sometimes we would be rushing at the end of class and I would forget to remind them. However, it was a challenge at times to get students to complete this.It helped the students stay engaged in their own process, reminding them where they left off the week before and as a record that they could use for assessments. When checking on a student’s work for my own use or when meeting with a parent, it was easy to pull up their portfolios to see their progress.

studio habits of mind reading assignment

There are so many things I liked about this. This year I implemented SeeSaw as digital portfolios of the student process.Maybe a shorter, one-day activity instead. We didn’t have enough time after the exploration to do the second part of the unit so the learning that had happened didn’t get used and wasn’t fully absorbed. One unit I think I will ditch is the Drawing Around the Room.

Studio habits of mind reading assignment how to#

The challenge is how to open the curriculum to student choice and ownership while providing them with guidance so they are not overwhelmed. More sketchbook use and art journaling as well.

  • Although the level of scaffolding felt right for most students, I would still like to invite more play into the creative process.
  • studio habits of mind reading assignment

    Units I organized like this included Inspiration Around the Room, Abstract Art, Identity, Artist Remix, Stop-Motion Animation, Sculpture Around the Room, and Collage. I think this format worked really well, allowing for experimentation while also working towards a finished result.

    studio habits of mind reading assignment

    The second part was independent studio work time creating a final, advanced artwork.

  • This year I focused on developing two parts to most of my units, the “exploration” part with skill building, content learning, and experimenting.

  • Studio habits of mind reading assignment